Hello! I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. My research interests include the design and analysis of clinical trials, and applying statistical methods and data science tools to improve population health.
I am co-advised by Dr. Noah Simon and Dr. Ting Ye. Our research focuses on developing robust and flexible statistical methods for clinical trials that have adaptive elements, like group sequential trials, trials with covariate-adaptive randomization, and platform trials.
I am also a Research Assistant with Dr. Fei Gao in the Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology Program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. We are working on statistical methods for estimating cross-sectional HIV incidence, which are useful for population effectiveness studies, and for obtaining counterfactual placebo incidence in active-controlled trials (see our recent papers in Statistics in Medicine here and here). We also have recent work discussing study designs of retrospective, observational studies of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
Previously I was a Post-Bachelor Fellow and a Researcher on the Mathematical Sciences team at IHME where I worked on a variety of disease modeling projects for the Global Burden of Disease Study. I also helped train GBD collaborators from around the world and new Fellows in computing, and statistical and epidemiological methods. During my fellowship, I obtained my MS in Biostatistics, advised by Dr. Ruth Etzioni on methods to estimate time to cancer progression or recurrence.